Friday, 29 July 2022

Lost and forlorn

 Home becomes a house 

I went into the empty house today

The four walls and lifeless furniture

They were once home.

The walls echoed our laughter 

The dining table laden with delicious dishes;

The kitchen bubbling with activity 

The floor busy with running feet. 

Home is not the four walls or the 

Beautiful paintings that adorn it; 

Or the carpet that was a favorite with mom 

Or the table and chairs bought with so much haggling and choosing. 

Not even the kitchen and the dainty China tea set 

Look inviting now.

All have memories 

But those who created the memories are not there 

One of the two is no more with us.

And the other so independent, so loving, so strong 

Perforce leaves her home to be dependent.

And the home is just a house 

Plants watered, her birds looked out for her for some days

And then flew to other places.

This home is just a house now.

 20th November 2021

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